Once there was a kid who travelled from A to Z.
Everyday A to B to C to D to E to F to G to H to I to J to K to L to M to N to O to P to Q to R to S to T to U to V to W to X to Y to Z
An he became an engineer, travelling from A to B to C to D to E to F to G to H to I to J to K to L to M to N to O to P to Q to R to S to T to U to V to Z
And then A to B to G to H to I to J to K to L to M to N to O to P to Q to R to S to T to U to V to Z
And then A to B to G to H to I to J to P to Q to R to S to T to U to V to Z
And then A to B to G to T to U to V to Z
And then A to B to V to Z
And then A to Z
And then A to Z
And then A to Z
And then A to Z
And then A to Z
So frequent that he forgets that there are more to the journey other than A and Z.
One day, he realizes that there is more to the journey than A to Z. There's always B, C, D that makes him laugh. E,F,G to make him sad. H,I,J to tell him that he is worthless. K,L,M to cheer him up. N,O to build his confidence. P,Q to make him wiser. R,S,T to add experience. U,V to make him more brave. W,X to share with. and Y to Love.
He just needs to open his eyes more to see that he is still in the same journey as he was when he was a kid, going through the ABCs of life.
Apa aku tulis pon aku tatau... tapi mampus la kan.
"K,L,M to cheer him up."
.. i know this works for Farul.. hahahah..
now, you could say i *accidentally* registered into that yahoogroup, heh. still i cant forget catching "riduwan zanin" posting pics in KLM :))
Mende nih ko reka sindrik ke ko cedok dari mana2? Sungguh wise and deep. So I'm guessing ko cedok dr somewhere la kan....hahah...
KLM? ape mende nye farul?
Interesting..Cuba try terbalik plak ke..dari Z to A ke..Don't forget..besides alphabet ada numbers jugak..1,2,3,4,...
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