Last 4 months plus was a hell of a ride, and went away with a blink of an eye.
Wrapped Playground's first feature film. Now in post production. Exciting ride with a bunch of talented cast and also experienced crew. I know that the word is out, but can't wait till we have an official Press Conference so that i can start talking about this further. :).
However, the biggest thing that i learn is that you give space and have trust in the people you work with. They will give you their best. Which is all that matters.
90 hari, our second tele movie was another experience. We were quite nervous because we were playing with a serious issue, but still trying to keep it light. Received good reviews, even from my aunt who rarely watches any TV. Although there were a few hurdles, alhamdulillah, it went well nevertheless.
Also, just wrapped our shoot for the Disko Baldi Show, which consisted of the live studio recordings and also the digital sketches. It was a great eperience working with Phuturephlow. They really took care of us talents and all of us had a great time. Can't wait to get to see the cuts.
Really would like to thank Phuturephlow for believing in us all the way. Let's hope for a second season. :).
This week is the first week of rest that i get.
After this we have 2 theatre productions :
"Disko Baldi Dreams" and our Family Theatre arm Box of Delights : The Fantastic Mr. Fox.
It's going to be a great year.
keep up the good work:)!
...yes...hope n pray for 2nd season ^^ diskobaldishow..
....i love all works produce by playgrounds production..
....i love all works produce by playgrounds production..
....i love all works produce by playgrounds production..
...yes...hope n pray for 2nd season ^^ diskobaldishow..
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