Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

11 pm

Watched the movie and it was awesome! loved how the plot developed and how i was brought to questioning whether to root for the apes, or for humans.

Truth be told, i think humans were secondary in the plot. The whole story is the power struggle within the apes. 

Not much of a critic, so here goes. Effective scoring, good cinematogtaphy, good acting, VFX all in a good package. No real plothole that i can see, and all character motives were well justified. Definitely has a balance between substance and form. 

(unlike some other movie *ehem*Transformers4*ehem* that focused more on the form)

Can't wait for the next one to see how they develop the plot further.

Go watch!!!

3 pm

Watching this movie today. Heard very good reviews so am very hopeful. After going through Transformers 4, hope to have a better experience.

The Trailer


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