Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nuang Report

SO.. Nuang was great! Except for the sore muscles.. but it is a good kind of sore.(notice the present tense used) The ones you get after a good work out.

Time records:

Ranger Station -> Lolo Campsite : 1 hr 20 minutes
(one night rest)
Lolo Campsite -> Peak of Nuang : 2 Hrs 45 min
Peak of Nuang -> Lolo Campsite : 1 Hr 30 min
(2 Hr rest)
Lolo Campsite -> Ranger Station : 1 Hr 30 min

Stamina wise, this time was much better than the previous hike. Mostly due to proper food and proper rest. The previous hike (3 years ago):

Ranger Station -> Lolo Campsite : 3 Hrs
(one night rest)
Lolo Campsite -> Peak of Nuang : 4 Hrs
Peak of Nuang -> Lolo Campsite : 3 Hrs
(2 Hr rest)
Lolo Campsite -> Ranger Station : 2 Hrs

Uu yeah.. next stop.. Gunung Tahan. 7 Day hiking trip! or Maybe Berkelah Waterfalls?


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