Jumpa lagi a few pics that i snatched from saiful nang's fotopage. Time 2004 tu saiful nang baru start career as photographer. And oh, Saiful Nang tu was my apartment mate. Hehe.. dah femes baru nak mengaku apartment mate. Tak malu nye Tapai... haha!
But that is besides the point. That year, we entered Festival Teater Kuala Lumpur and win first Place. Winning was no biggie, but the biggie is that we had to prove ourselves worthy to get 1st place in Festival Teater Malaysia.
What happened? These pictures are worth Gejillions of words.. (If that is even a real number)
This is Pakleh's (Mama) Million Dolar Pose. "Siapa cakap.. siapa cakap!!"
Akhtar as Bijou, Listening to what Pak Leh has to say.

Happy faces. The feeling of triumph!
Pose for Utusan Malaysia. heheh..
The Tat Nenas Gang.. Akhtar.. jangan bersungguh sgt please.
Yes, Year 2004 was the year of Tat Nenas.
And it was a great Year for all of us.
Pictures do worth Gejillions of words.
tapai....jgn buat aku nangis tapai....arghhh...biler lah agaknye aku dapat berlakon lagi...huhhuhuhuhu....siot aaa....
jehehhehe gambar aku jadi penyet ko penyetkan ek tapai :P Baru nak ngaku apartmentmate :P ingat time kkat apartment makan sardin sampai muka pun macam ikan sardin
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