Sunday, September 11, 2005

Uploading Pic in Profile

Haihh, why la so complicated? Cannot design so it can be at a click of a button mehhh. Well for all beginner's (like me self), u have to post it, and while editting, you :
1) go to Edit Html mode and copy the URL.
2) go to edit profile and paste the URL.

Well here goes:

1) Pic of me At london starbucks, Coffee anyone? (Note :this, i wanna put in my profile)

2) Pic of my girlfriend.. Not!!! But definitely any guys dream girl. (Note: definitely don't wanna put this in my profile. Don't want guys flocking all over me!).

Footnote : For all you guys wondering, She is some Phillipino actress. Why la they don't make girls like that over here? whyyyyy??


Anonymous said...

Pic of ur girlfriend aa.. In ur dreams la wei

Kuman said...

yuhuu tapai, welcome to the world of blogging ehehehhe.. hope u'll njoy it as much as i did heheh...


Anonymous said...

oh pleaselah!! if every girl is like them pilipinos, then the world will still be a better place, izzit??

nergis said...

lezbiyen porno